Night Noises

by Phyllis Beebe

Katydid, katydidn't, katydidn't, katydid
Joins the locust's buzzsaw drone.
When birds fall silent in the evening
And reluctanly to bed I've gone.
I hear the screech of the screendoor spring
Then the creak of Mama's rockingchair,
The quiet rumble of Papa's voice
And wish that I were there.

Katydid, katydidn't, katydidn't, katydid.
Then the distant bark of a dog.
A mosquito hums in a threatening way
As my sheet over head I tug.
Far away sounds the wail of a train
Approaching the outskirts of town,
Echoing hollowly through the night
From the hills that close surround.

Katydid, katydidn't, katydidn't, katydid
An owl hoots when flying past
Dry leaves rustling in the breeze
Crickets clicking in the grass
The family cat hops on my bed
To knead and purr her song
Lulling me to sleep and then
To dream the whole night long


Katydid, katydidn't, katydidn't, katydid.