Katy's Valentine Page

There are never enough ways to express Love nor is any time better than any other, but Valentine's Day does remind us in our busy lives, to stop and say "I love you" to those special people we should treasure.

These are some gifs that may help. All have been collected from free sites, to the best of my knowledge.
Please transload them to use.

Thank you and have a lovely Valentines Day.

With Flowery Hearts or Gay Balloons

Daisy Heart    Blue Rose Heart

Floral Heart    "To My Love"

Heart Wreath    Pink Balloons

Red Balloons    Smiley Balloons

Hearts & Flowers    Love Letters

Pink Roses Heart    Lace Edge Heart

Teddy Bears or Animal Cartoons

Teddy with Heart    Chocolate Eater

Teddy and Heart    Teddy with Tulips

Hugging Teddy    Tiny Teddy

Teddy with Candy    Two Teddys

T-shirt Teddy    Teddy RedBow    Hugger Teddy

Fluffy Cat    Cat    Two Cats 

Coon    Cow    Dog

Blue Bird & Hearts    Pink Chick    Dove

Two Doves    Fish    Lamb

Blue Birds Banner    Octopus    Squirrel

Unicorn with Heart    Mailed Mousie

Little Dan Cupid will help you say

Please be my Valentine Sweetheart today.

Cupid right    Cupid left

Be Mine Cupids   Blue Cupids bar  10 Cupids bar

Antique Cupids  Cupid with Hearts

Left Corner Cupid  Right Corner Cupid

Two Cupids with a Dish of Hearts

No matter how shy

He's your Valentine guy

Angels    Antique Angel

Lovers    Lady    Dancers

Girl and Boy    20s Girl and Boy

José    Snowmen  Heart Girl

Shy Angel Snowman

Girl Mailing Valentines  Boy with Heart

Roses are red, violets are blue

Here is my heart to show I love you.

Small Hearts  or  Large

With Roses of Red  or  Ribbons of Pink

The Key to My  Heart  Is Golden, I Think.

Red Heart  Crystal Heart  Heart Candle

Loving Hearts    Winged Heart

Box of Hearts   Arrow & Heart  Arrow & 2 Hearts

When you want to be heard
Let a heart say the word.

LOVE    Be Mine    LOVE

Be Mine    Happy Valentine

I'm Yours    I Love You    Hug

Pretty Heart    Silver Heart    Ruby Heart

Hearts & Flowers    Arrow in Heart    Red Ribbon Heart

Please will you be mine
Says each Valentine Line

Happy Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day again

Letters  Hearts & Stars  

Red Hearts  Gold Hearts  Pink Hearts

Hearts Bar  Pink Hearts  Hearts & Roses

Red on Gold Bar  Pink Hearts & Flowers  Red Hearts

Flower Pot Shelf  Valentine Shelf

Valentines Bar    2 Doves Bar    Another Doves Bar

Colorful Sign    2 Doves Bar    Heart & Roses

Luv U Hearts Bar  2 girls Hold Luv Banner

Pink Heart & Flowers

Translucent Hearts Bar

Sweet Stuff

Cupcakes  Cookies  Candy

Candy & Rose  Candy Boxes  Hungry Heart

Golden Love    Large Motto Hearts

Heart Cake    Heart Box